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JXP14×12×22 pump


The JXP is ideally suited for pumping high volumes of heavy slurries that are abrasive, corrosive, or just plain tough to pump. The JXP14×12×22 and JXP12×10×23 can deliver flow rates from 3000 - 7500 gpm at 75 - 410 feet of head at low speeds.

The compact overall dimensions of the JXP make it an excellent choice for high volume mobile and stationary applications where a small footprint is critical.


Typical Applications

·  Frac blending                            ·  Paper pulp processing

·  Quarry slurries                          ·  Sand slurries

·  Sewage                                    ·  Slag

·  Supercharger pumps               ·  Wast slurries

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